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Guidance for visiting and updates on Rosevilla

Good afternoon, we hope this update finds you well.

The latest government guidelines issued this week are for us something that we have largely already implemented here at Rosevilla as we felt that it was appropriate to begin visiting for our families and friends. This, of course was under strict procedures and adhered to infection control and safety measures as detailed in our last post.

We suspended visiting last week as we had a suspected scabies outbreak but from Monday 27th July we will reinstate the Phase1 visiting. the procedures are the same and will be form Monday to thursday with half an hour slots. You will have to call to make an appointment, ensure you are not feeling unwell, have your temperature taken, wear PPE and unfortunately no contact. Gifts must be passed to staff for disinfecting. these guidelines are being introduced by the government now but we have had these in place for a while and have made the decision that more than one family member can visit a resident but that it must be booked in and cannot be on the same day.

We have an 'ad-hoc' day on Fridays where you can call us to see if there is a slot available and can come on the day. We are trying to accommodate many people and know that for some a 'drop-in' is the best option. Please be prepared to under go the above procedures when visiting.

We also had to advise visitors that arriving at the residential home in numbers to see their loved ones through the window, and even attempting contact was not acceptable and we suspended this for a short time. Staff were not able to observe the numbers of people and we felt this was unfair and unmanageable for our staff, along with their other duties. Thank you for your understanding and support with this issue. We know that this situation is still strange and we are all adapting but that we need to support one another to keep everyone safe and well.

We are slowly returning to normal activities but obviously are very limited and we still cannot go on excursions or trips yet but know that when we do it will be a fantastic day for our residents. Any ideas or donations for activities are greatly welcomed.

With the capable skills of Diana, our activities member of staff, our residents have been exploring subjects, playing darts and of course plenty of singing.

Our staff are well and healthy and we look forward to a new time where we can resume normal activities and visiting, but, in the meantime, thank you for your support, stay safe and wear your mask!

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